Daniel 8 & 10 Update:
Turkey has complete it's 1st phase of attacking PKK and YPG (Kurdish) targets in Sryia and Iraq.
Turkey has already started it's 2nd and 3rd phases.
Ankara’s strategy going forward is to strike oil infrastructure, including oil fields and refineries, in addition to power plants, weapons depots, military camps, and administrative and financial headquarters. The purpose of this strategy is to dry up the PKK’s sources of funding in Syria, which are controlled by the SDF.
Turkey is also hiiting targets as deep as 70 KM. Oridinally they indicated a 20 to 30 KM zone, which now is being expanded.
Turkey is now softening up the front for a land invasion in both Syria and Iraq in days or weeks.
Date to watch as we move forward -
Sept. 18 - Oct. 9, 2023 - ramp up of attacks on both Israel and Turkey.
Oct. 9, 2023 or shortly after this date - An (Massive) attack on Iran and it's proxies by Israel.
Also, we could see an invasion into Syria and Iraq by Turkey on or shortly after Oct. 9, 2023.
Dec. 22, 2023 - 10 Tevet - A siege on Jerusalem by 10 nations for 15 days.
Jan. 6, 2024 - A 6th Seal event - which is the destruction of 10 nations by the Wrath of the Lamb (Jesus the Son), 15 days after the start of the siege of Dec. 22, 2023.
Paradigm Timeline Link -
God bless.
Time is short.
Repent and get right with Jesus.
Jesus is the only open door to the creator.
Rumble (This Video Link): https://rumble.com/v3oxp3h-turkey-completes-1st-phase-against-kurds-oct.-5-starts-2nd-and-3rd-phases-i.html