Daniel 8 & 10 Update:
Hope fading as deaths in Turkey, Syria quake pass 11,000.
Syria: Assad forces bombed areas hit by earthquake hours after disaster.
Sources tell Middle East Eye artillery struck the town of Marea less than two hours after devastating quake.
Israeli minister says no pause on settlements after US asked Israel to halt expansion.
IDF to set up field hospital in Turkey; Israel’s search and rescue team starts work.
Israel steps up Jerusalem home demolitions as violence rises.
Israel's drive to demolish Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem is picking up pace.
Israel foils 2 terror attacks.
Mass Israeli protests persist.
Israeli TV station airs propaganda on Azerbaijan-Israel military relations.
Netanyahu: Israel cannot count on the PA to fight terrorism.
Turkey ETF tumbles and lira slumps to record low after major earthquake adds to economic woes.
Daniel 8 & 10, Isaiah 28-38, and Jeremiah 26-45 all tell you what is coming next.
1. The Kurds and Iran will align and Turkey will crush both nations.
2. Egypt and Turkey will align with Israel.
3. Once Iran falls, Turkey will attack Egypt & Israel.
These prophecies will play out by the end of this year.
God bless.
Time is short.
Repent and get right with Jesus.
Jesus is the only open door to the creator.