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6th SEAL EVENT WARNING - April 8, 2024 - 4th Total Eclipse since 2017 (2017-2024), U.S. Judgement!

6th SEAL EVENT WARNING - April 8, 2024 - 4th Total Eclipse since 2017 (2017-2024), U.S. Judgement!

On my Paradigm Chart; I show a signing of a Treaty with the Nations against Israel on April 20, 2024. Which means Antichrist will already be revealed just prior to this when he stops the continual burnt offering which happened on April 5, 2023 (Spring Equinox March 20, 2024).

Date to watch as we move forward -

Sept. 18 - Oct. 9, 2023 - ramp up of attacks on both Israel on Hamas and Turkey on Kurds.

Oct. 7, 2023 - an attack by Hamas on Israel.

Oct. 9, 2023 - a counter attack and start of invasion into Gaza by Israel.

Oct. 31, 2023 - Yeman Houthis enter the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Nov. 3, 2023 - Hezbollah enters the Israel-Gaza conflict.

* Watch Dates: Jan. 6 - Feb. 5, 2024. Major acceleration in Middle East War.

* Watch for an attack on Israel from Hezbollah & an invasion by Turkey into Syria against the Kurds-Medes.

Jan. 15, 2024 - 10 Tevet - Jan. 15, 2024 - On 15 January 2024 Iran carried out a series of aerial and drone strikes within Iraq and Syria, claiming that it had targeted the regional headquarters of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and several strongholds of terrorist groups in response to the Kerman bombings on 3 January, for which the Islamic State took responsibility.

Jan. 15, 2024 — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed on Tuesday to widen military operations against groups linked to Kurdish militants in neighboring Iraq and Syria, days after an attack on a Turkish military base in Iraq killed nine Turkish soldiers.

Jan. 26, 2024 - The United States government had privately warned Iran that ISIL (ISIS) was preparing to carry out a terrorist attack ahead of the coordinated suicide bombings that killed nearly 100 people in the southeastern city of Kerman. The confidential alert came after the US acquired intelligence that ISIL’s affiliate in Afghanistan was plotting to attack Iran, a US official said on Thursday.

March 10, 2024 – Ramadan begins.

Ramadan 2024 will begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10, and ends on the sunset of April 9. The first fasting day will be on March 11.

March 20, 2024 - Spring Equinox - Start of Spring

March 24, 2024 - Siege of Jerusalem 15 days prior to 6th Seal Event which occurs on April 8, 2024. In the past Jerusalem fell on (2 Adar); which is March 16, 2024 this year.

April 8, 2024 - 4th of 4 Total Solar Eclipse, possible 6th Seal Event.

April 9-10, 2024 - Eid al-Fitr.

Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan. Ramadan 2024 will begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10, and ends on the sunset of April 9. The first fasting day will be on March 11.

Erdogan-Gog & his 10-nation army are destroyed by the Wrath of Jesus on the 6th Seal event which could occur on April 8, 2024, during the Total Solar Eclipse (Rev. 6:16).

7-month burial armies in Valley of Hamon-Gog, Erdogan-Gog buried in Turkey just days after his death on the 6th Seal on April 8, 2024 (Ezekiel 39:11-16) .

Weapons burned for up to 7 years (Ezekiel 39:9-10).

7th Seal is broken - 1/2 hour of Silence - 144,000 Elect selected in Rev. 7 prior to 7 Trumpets handed out.

4 winds are being held back (Rev. 7:1) until the Antichrist & False Prophet rises on 6th Trumpet (Rev. 6:13).

1st - 4 Trumpets sound & destroy 1/3 of earth - communist areas (Rev. 8:6-13).

5th Trumpet - Bottomless Pit opens & scorpions sting man for 5 months (Rev. 9:1-12).

6th Trumpet - Rise of Antichrist & False Prophet - 4 winds released (Rev. 9:13-21).

April 20, 2024 - (Hitler’s B-day) - Signing of 7-Year Treaty with nations.

April 22-30, 2024 - Pesach 2024 (Passover) begins before sundown on Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30, 2024.

Pslam 90:10 Timeline Link - This is a new link updated 1/27/2024


God bless.

Time is short.

Repent and get right with Jesus.

Jesus is the only open door to the creator.

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